The Seen Library Bookstand - No. 2
Seeing a 50 person line to buy books. Spending the past few months with my mom writing clues and wrapping books and having her in the bookstand tying bows and chatting with guests, watching the books we poured love into leave with their new owners as gifts or as a new story for them to read…

A mini Seen Library pop up in London
No. 3 — A mini Seen Library pop up in London and the first outside of Los Angeles at Studio Arva.

The Seen Library Bookstand
The Seen Library Bookstand took place at Platform in Culver City where we took over a magazine stand and filled its shelves with a selection of pre-loved and intentionally curated books.

The first Seen Library pop-up in Los Angeles
For the first time in person, our community was able to shop books curated by Seen Library - each one wrapped in a uniform creamy paper, adorned with a custom library card that showcased handwritten clues, so that people can choose a book by its story, rather than by its cover…