Women’s Month book giving with Vince

In celebration of International Women’s Day, Vince and Seen Library have partnered to host a beautiful and intentional book exchange that not only celebrated the works and words by inspiring women, but also brought together a few inspiring women in my life — all of which have had a positive impact on me personally.

Each and every book was handpicked by me and were stories I read that left me changed for the better — ones that challenged me, inspired me, and helped me learn a much needed perspective I wouldn’t have otherwise.

And while International Women’s Day is a day of celebration, it is also a day for action — one that helps support women’s equality, which is why Vince and Seen Library have made donations to The Downtown Women’s Center, an organization whose amazing work I have seen first hand through my time volunteering with them, to support the work that they do in empowering and supporting women experiencing homelessness and formerly homeless women through housing, safe health and wellness resources and employment opportunities since 1920.

Thank you to Vince for bringing such thoughtfulness and creativity in supporting such a great cause. Working in the social media industry for 9 years now on both the brand and creator ends, I’ve seen how transactional some partnerships and creator activations can be, how often it’s about numbers (which is understandable) and big names versus genuine community and intention. Really, really thankful that Vince thought of Seen Library for this project and was able to see an opportunity to connect on a more meaningful level while tying in a way to bring awareness to a great cause, as well as uplifting the voices of historically excluded women, especially during a time when many politicians and people in this country are trying to silence those voices.


AAPI book giving with LESSE


Book exchange at Barnsdall Art Park